How do I identify charges that require a one-time payment?

Most charges associated with your enrollment contract (including Tuition, Lunch or Dining Fee, International Student Fee and Health Insurance) are part of the payment plan and therefore included in any automatic payments you set up in Billing in MyWesttown. However, there are some miscellaneous charges (payment plan fees, Parent Council dues) that require submitting a one-time payment. The steps outlined below will help you determine how much is owed and for which students. Once you have gathered this information, you can proceed to set up your one-time payment.

  • Log into MyWesttown
  • Hover over the Billing menu (1) and select “Current bill” (2)
  • Under the “Recent activity” section, you will see current charges on your account. Any item that is not included in your payment plan will have a “REQUIRES ONE-TIME PAYMENT” label (3) under the charge description.
  • Make a note of each charge with the “REQUIRES ONE-TIME PAYMENT” label, the student associated with each charge (4), and the amount of each charge (5). When making a one-time payment, you will need to know how much to pay for each student. In the example above, there are two one-time payment charges associated with William Green in the amounts of $21.73 and $150.00 and one charge for Alice Green in the amount of $21.73. When you follow the steps to make a one-time payment, this parent would apply $171.73 to William Green (the total of his two charges) and $21.73 to Alice Green.

NOTE: If the sum of the charges and credits listed under the “Current statement period” do not match the “Amount due” at the top of the screen, you may have unpaid charges from the previous month. You can see older charges by clicking on the statement period dropdown and selecting one of the other options (Last 30 days, Last 60 days, Previous statement period). Please email with any questions about the amount due or any of the charges listed.