I have forgotten my password. How can I reset it?

If you still have access to your Westtown e-mail account and know your short username, you can follow the steps outlined below to reset your password:

  • Go to https://accounts.westtown.edu/
  • Click the "Forgotten password" link at the bottom
  • On the "Forgotten password" screen, enter your email address, first name, and last name, then click "Search"
  • On the next screen, you'll be given a choice to enter personal data or verify ownership with a text message or email. Click on the "SMS/Email Verification" button.
  • Click "Continue" on the next screen to receive a code to your westtown.edu email account.
  • Find the email message with the code, then come back to the "Forgotten password" screen, enter the code, and click "Check code".
  • If you've entered the correct code, you'll see a message that says your security code was verified. Click "Continue".
  • You'll then have to enter some more information to confirm your identity - your email address, your last name, your short username, and your first name. Enter all this then click "Check Answers".
  • You should then be taken to a "Change Password" screen. Enter your new password, then enter it again in the "Confirm Password" field, then click "Change Password".
  • This will change your password immediately for a few things - wifi, printing, Canvas. It will take up to ten minutes for the change to sync to Google.

If you no longer have access to your Westtown email account or don't know your short username, you will have to contact the Technology Office to reset it for you. You can either send an email to helpdesk@westtown.edu to open a ticket, or you can call the Help Desk (dial extension 4357 from a campus phone, or dial 610-399-7300 from a cell phone).