How do I create, edit, and delete calendar events in MyWesttown?


  • The below tutorial will guide you through the process of creating, editing, and deleting School Calendar events in MyWesttown.
  • Each School Calendar consists of a series of Event Categories. See chart below for an overview of active School Calendars and their associated Event Categories.
  • A single Event Category can be associated with multiple School Calendars. See the “Schoolwide Events'' Event Category bolded as an example. An event that is associated with the “Schoolwide Events” Event Category will display on 4 School Calendars.
  • When Event Categories are shared with multiple calendars, event items will not be duplicated. Rather, event items will appear a single time in the color of the calendar that appears first in the list of calendars.


  • Each sport and level individually


  • Arts Events
  • School Holidays
  • Schoolwide Events


  • Lower School Events
  • School Holidays
  • Schoolwide Events


  • Middle School Events
  • School Holidays
  • Schoolwide Events


  • College Visits
  • School Holidays
  • Schoolwide Events
  • Upper School - Internal
  • Upper School - Preseason Athletics
  • Upper School Events


  • Facilities and Planning
  • Theater Reservations


  • Website Calendar

Creating Event

Step 1 - Check if event is already created

  • Before adding an event, check to be sure the event is not already created
  • Navigate to the Schedule & Performance page in MyWesttown (default page in the Faculty view)
  • Click “Calendar”
  • Go to the day and time of the proposed event
  • Be sure that all school calendars are showing

Step 2 - Creating new event

  • Start from the Schedule & Performance page in MyWesttown (default page in the Faculty view)
  • Click “Calendar”
  • Click “+Event”
  • Click “Page Content” (located within the Select Primary Category pop-up window_) _
  • Select “Facilities and Planning”
  • Click “Apply”

NOTE: The primary Page for all events should be Facilities and Planning. Later in the event creation process, you will select additional Event Categories to associate your event with (see Page Content field below) .

Step 3 - Inputting event information details into add event form

Once you click Apply, you’ll be presented with the “Add Event” form. Input information for the following fields and then click Save.

  • Date:
    • Select either “Single Event” or “Recurring Event”
      • For a Single event, enter the event begin date. You can also add the event begin time as well as the end date and time.
      • For a Recurring event, enter the event start and end time, choose the recurrence pattern, and the start date. Choose the number of times that the event will occur, or enter an end date.
  • Title:
    • Enter a Title which will appear as the event header.
      • If applicable, make sure that your title aligns with the title submitted in FS Direct (School Dude).
      • For Virtual events, add “(Virtual)” to the end of the title.
        • Example: “Meeting for Worship (Virtual)”
  • Details:
    • Input detailed description of event.
      • For virtual events:
        • Include mention that the event will be delivered virtually
        • Include the Zoom link in description. If Zoom link has not yet been finalized, input “Zoom link to follow”
      • For public events
        • Refrain from using acronyms that wouldn't be easily recognizable by non-Westonians. For example, use Lower School, Middle School, Upper School, instead of LS, MS, US.
  • Location:
    • Select Existing → click “+Select Location”
      • Available rooms will display in drop down menu in alphabetical order
      • Type into search bar for quick navigation
      • If your desired booking location is not found within Existing locations dropdown menu, do not select New. Email Bridget Cadden and Jennifer Cluss with your request.
    • Multi-Location Events:
      • MyWesttown will only allow you to associate one location per event. If your event requires booking multiple locations, select your Primary Location, and then email Bridget Cadden and Jennifer Cluss to reserve the additional locations.
  • Contact Name:
    • Enter a Contact name that users can contact if they have questions about the event.
  • Contact Email:
    • Enter a Contact email address that users can contact if they have questions about the event.
  • Registration:
    • You can tie an event to an existing event Registration form (if applicable).
  • Show on Featured:
    • Select No
  • Page Content:
    • To associate event with additional Event Categories, click “Add More” → select desired Event Categories
    • Consider whether this is a schoolwide or divisional event and whether this is a private or public event
      • For schoolwide events, select “Schoolwide Events” Event Category
      • Private events are available to those with access to our password protected community, MyWesttown.
      • Public events are associated with the “Website Calendar” Event Category.
        • With any questions regarding public events and the Website Calendar, please contact Bridget Cadden and Jennifer Cluss.
    • When event categories are shared with multiple calendars, the event items will not be duplicated. Event items will appear a single time in the color of the calendar that appears first in the list of calendars

Editing / Deleting Event

  • You can Edit or Delete an event from both the Grid and List view.
  • Start from the Schedule & Performance page in MyWesttown (default page in the Faculty view).
  • Click “Calendar”
  • Click on desired event on the calendar
  • Click “Edit" or “Delete”
    • NOTE: If your deleted event had multiple locations reserved, please also email Bridget Cadden and Jennifer Cluss.