How do I subscribe to Westtown School calendars on an iPhone?


  • The below steps will guide you through the process of subscribing to a MyWesttown calendar feed (WebCal feed) on an iPhone.
    • NOTE: Android users must complete the subscription process on a computer.
  • Included in a WebCal feed are calendar event details for the past 2 months and upcoming 12 months. Adding a WebCal feed to your calendar produces an automated sync that will periodically update your calendar.
  • This article provides an overview of available MyWesttown Calendars and their associated event categories.
  • These instructions guide you through the process of subscribing to calendars on your computer.

Instructions for iPhone

Step 1

  • Log into MyWesttown from a web browser on your iPhone.
  • Click “Menu” (3 three parallel horizontal lines)


Step 2

  • Click “Calendar”

Step 3

  • Click “Options”
  • Click “WebCal Feed”

Step 4

  • Click on hyperlink of desired ‘Entire Calendar’ or ‘Individual Filter Feed’
    • screenshot below demonstrates how to obtain WebCal link for the ‘Entire School Calendar’

Step 5

  • Click “Subscribe”

Step 6

  • Input Calendar Name
  • Click “Add”