How do I print to a campus printer?
If you're printing directly from within your Google Chrome browser, you can use one of our PaperCut mobility printers. This is the simplest way to print to a campus printer and should work for most people because almost every file type (whether it's a Google Doc, pdf, or even a Microsoft Word doc...
How do I print to a campus printer from my phone? (Android)
1. Ensure that your phone is connected to wifi-secure with your westtown credentials. How do I connect my laptop, cell phone, or tablet to the campus wireless network? 2. Open Chrome on your phone and go to the below site:
How do I print to a campus printer from my phone? (IOS)
IMPORTANT: You need to use Safari to download and install the below profile1. Ensure that your phone is connected to wifi-secure with your westtown credentials. How do I connect my laptop, cell phone, or tablet to the campus wireless network? 2. Open Safari on your phone and go to the below s...